Research & Teaching Interests
Corruption and Development; Governance, Accountability, and Reform; Comparative Public Policy; Comparative Politics; Research Methods/Quantitative Methods; Conceptualization and Measurement; Building State Capabilities; and Public Sector Reform for Private Sector Development.
Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor, Davidson College
- POL 140 Comparative Global Politics (Fall 2018, Spring 2019)
- POL 201 Methods and Statistics (Fall 2018, Fall 2019)
- POL 445 Corruption and Development (Spring 2019, Fall 2019)
- POL 259 Governance, Corruption and Reform (Fall 2019)
Instructor of Record, McGill University
INTD 497 Research Seminar in International Development: Corruption and Development (Winter 2017)
Graduate Level – Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at Austin
- Statistical Analysis I (Fall 2009)
Undergraduate – Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at Austin
- The U.S. in Comparative Perspective (Fall 2008)
- International Politics of Latin America (Spring 2010)
- Research Methods in Government (Fall 2010)
- Law and Social Change in Comparative Perspective (Spring 2009)
- American Government (Summer 2009)
- U.S.- Russian Relations (Spring 2013)